The illustration that shows in a funny way why mothers almost have no beautiful photos with their children

When we have children, in addition to becoming mothers, we also adopt and acquire a long list of titles and professions, becoming "todólogas": cook, nurse, cheerleader, lawyer, teacher, psychologist, singer, decorator, among many others. Y one of them, of course, is to be a photographer.

But in many cases, being the photographer of the family means that we are not always so present in these images. And for sample, the funny illustration, which captures humorously and exaggeratedly why mothers almost have no beautiful photos with their children.

Moms and photographers: authentic ones mamarazzi

With the practicality of smartphones, today it is very easy to take a picture to capture some beautiful moment that we want to keep. This without a doubt It is something that the current mothers have taken advantage of, because it allows us to take pictures of our babies frequently, even giving us a new nickname: mamarazzi.

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Day by day, we make sure to capture with our camera the growth and development of our children, either to print them and keep them as a souvenir at home or to share those images on social networks with our family and friends.

But although being the unofficial photographer of the family is a great advantage because we make sure to save the important moments and then we can relive them by seeing them, there is also a disadvantage: we hardly appear in the photographs.

Most of the photos that we have almost all mothers and in which we appear with our children, they are usually the famous selfies that we take ourselves. And there is something that happens to many of us: while we take care not to forget to capture a moment, on many occasions, nobody thinks about taking one with our children.

But we clarify: This does not mean that this is wrong or that it is the fault of others. It is simply a reality of how things sometimes happen in this way for one reason or another, making us almost not appear in photos or that these are not the prettiest, as embodied by a mother in the vignette that today you we share.

The illustration that captures this situation in humor

Through her Facebook page, illustrator Victoria Bolduc recently shared a simple but clear illustration that shows in an exaggerated and funny way what often happens to us as the unofficial photographers of our family.

Simply accompanied by the text "Photos that exist of my husband with the baby vs. photos that exist of me with the baby"Victoria Plasma with a lot of sense of humor a reality that many mothers live: the photos we take of others are very beautiful, while the ones we take of ourselves ... well, they are not the best.

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In my personal case, I can feel identified and the vignette makes me very funnyWell, many of the photos I had with my daughter when she was a baby have the worst lighting and the worst planned angle in the world, while the ones I took of her with her grandparents or her dad tried to find that they always came out in the best possible way .

Of course, Victoria's intention is that we can laugh together at this situation that happens very often to thousands of mothers, without trying to attack the parents, because surely there are many who take good pictures of mothers and children and often.

The best thing we can do besides taking it with humor is to show other people and ask them to try to take pictures with our children more often, so that when they are older, they can see those photographs, and remember through beautiful images those moments of his childhood in which mom was at his side.

Video: Parents Read their Kids' Search History (July 2024).