Abused children have double the risk of depression in adulthood

Parents often ask ourselves what is the effect of our actions and in general our way of educating about the emotional and psychic health of our children. While most of us are able to say in a loud voice that our parents did this or that and we are not traumatized, there are adults who cannot say the same thing or who, directly, are not able to associate their current life with what It happened when they were children.

The reality is that it is very difficult to predict what a specific child will be like when he grows up, because not all children react equally to adversities. However, there is an unfavorable trend for those children who have suffered abuse, and it has been seen that Children who are mistreated have double the risk of depression when they are older.

This is the conclusion reached by professionals from King's College in London, who have also realized that these same people they are less likely to improve as expected whether they are treated with medication or if they are treated with psychological care.

To obtain these results, researchers have worked with 16 clinical studies with more than 20,000 participants and with 10 clinical trials with a sample of more than 3,000 subjects.

As they have commented, depression is one of the most common psychiatric disorders, being one of the causes of it that one in ten children is exposed to some type of abuse at home (physical, psychological, omission or neglect, psychological, physical or sexual abuse, ...). In fact, WHO already anticipates that by 2020 it will be the second global cause of diseases in people of any age.

This research adds to previous ones, which showed that battered people were more likely to have abnormalities in the stress-sensitive biological systems (the brain, the endocrine system and the immune system), both in childhood and in adulthood. That is, children who are abused as children are more likely to develop diseases associated with the brain, the endocrine system and the immune system (our defensive system) because stress disrupts their proper functioning.

In short, it is increasingly clear that The early years of children are an opportunity to lay wonderful foundations for the future of our children or an opportunity to shit it to the bottom and definitely hump their future mental and physical health. I do not say it to scare, because anyone who reads this post shows that he cares about his children, and a father worried about the physical and emotional health of children will hardly make an irreparable stropic, but it is not bad that we occasionally think in these things.

Video: Depression: How Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Can Cope and Lessen Its Severity (July 2024).