Deputies may vote remotely during pregnancy and maternity

Yesterday a good piece of news jumped into the media a step in work and family reconciliation, although it is a small step that will only benefit a small part of society, that of Spanish deputies and deputies.

The Congress of Deputies is about to approve a historic claim by the honorable members, the possibility of be able to vote without being present in the chamber in cases of pregnancy, maternity, paternity or serious illness.

The Plenary Session of the Lower House will unanimously approve the reform of the Congress Regulations so that the deputies can exercise their right to vote by a non-face-to-face procedure, something that has already been done on occasion.

Through telematic means with personal verification, parliamentarians will be allowed to be present in those votes that take place in the planned plenary sessions, as long as the Chamber of the Chamber has given a prior authorization to participate in the vote.


This measure will benefit pregnant deputies, maternity leave, paternity deputies and both for serious illness that prevents them from going to Congress.

The truth is that maybe this measure gets that recent mothers do not have to go to the workplace pushed by their responsibility (or by their political group) at the time of important votes, although there is the option of going with their baby as other mothers have done, precisely to call attention to the problem of assuming their responsibilities with a newborn baby . Because it will always be more comfortable for both of you not to have to move.

Parents are also included in this measure, I do not know if their paternity leave will be 15 days as for the rest, but it is always good to know that they can continue to help at home and not have to go to work when the baby is so small and The mother can use any help.

Another thing is to make use of that right, as it is common for many parents to give up their permission to continue working as soon as possible. When will a mandatory parental leave, which would help conciliation and equality?

For all this it seems a measure to applaud, which affects the importance of distance work, from home, which could be enhanced from many other areas to favor work and family reconciliation, and not only in situations of pregnancy or maternity and in political votes.