Let us all repeat: "Fever is our friend", how to act before it

A few months ago I explained that, deep down, boogers are our friends, and that although they get tired they have an important role in the health of our children. Likewise, fever also plays a fundamental role and many parents are wrong to talk about it as if it were a disease and they are wrong to give syrups as soon as the tenths rise.

These days there are many children who are having the flu. Of course, with the good weather that the virus has done so far, it has not known where to get into it, so when the temperatures have finally dropped a little, it has taken its particular revenge and has had many children at home for days . Days with fever, and without antibiotic! (logical, the flu is a virus and how it laughs at antibiotics), days that have been perhaps less in the children of parents who have repeated themselves the mantra: "Fever is our friend ... Fever is our friend ...".

The fever is our friend

I think that for it to have a little effect on our thinking we must repeat it about ten or twelve times. Having said that we have to tell ourselves why: viruses die with heat, so if our child has a fever, it will be cured sooner.

So the important thing is to try to find the balance, to achieve the situation in which our son remains with the elevated temperature, but without being made dust. It is possible that the first day, at the first tenths, you see it badly, shivering and talking too much. In that case you have to do what you ask (shelter even) and see what happens. If it does not improve, I am the first to give them syrup so that the body calms down a bit. Once the novelty is overcome, in moments and days later, the body gets used to the increase in heat and you can find your son playing quietly at 38 degrees or more. Maybe not running, but talking and playing with his things as if nothing happened.

In Babies and more Febrile seizure: or when you think your child is life in your arms

My children have been home these days, most likely with the flu, because have been with fever almost a week and there has been no focus (no otitis, no pharyngitis, no breath whistles, no urine infection, nor ...). Well, I would say that I will have given them anti-thermal once or twice every 24 hours, without going crazy to see that the thermometer was over 38.

In ancient times there were no antibiotics or anti-thermal

Imagine how our ancestors did in the past, that they had neither antibiotics nor anthermal. The children survived many of the infections that seem terrible to us thanks to the fever, which is the defense mechanism of our body. Surely they had a worse time than us and sure that many had sequels, let's not forget that the hygienic conditions of that time affected in many ways, but as the mechanism continues to work today, it is worth leaving a little margin for lend us a hand.

In addition to anti-thermal ...

Now, since nobody wants their child to suffer a febrile seizure, which although they are benign they give a lot "yu-yu", if the fever is too high, if the child is off or if we see that it is rising too fast (they can also convulse for this reason, without it being too high), the best for the sake of the child is slow down the febrile defense, giving him some anti-thermal and taking off his clothes, in addition to ensuring that they are well hydrated.

That is to say, it is more important to treat the child when you see him badly, although the thermometer shows only a few tenths, than to do it when it is well and the thermometer is at 38 and peak.

Video: The Lacs - Tonight on Repeat feat. Josh Thompson Official Video (July 2024).