Dads and Moms Blogs (LXI)

As every week, we make our internet tour to discover the most interesting contents that have been published in the moms and dads blogs in recent days.

I found in I like being a mom something I usually do with my daughters: tell them sweetened stories. That is, modify the end of children's stories like Little Red Riding Hood so that they are more "light". Do we do well to protect them from the misfortunes that one day they will have to discover? It is an interesting reflection.

In My life with children, Isabel speaks in a fun entry of the stress tests for parents. Share with humor some of the situations of maximum stress through which we often pass parents with children.

Julio's mom It is in full diaper operation. He tells us in great detail the progress of his 32-month-old son Julito who is slowly learning to leave the diaper. A help for parents of children in the same trance.

I think it's the first time I've been through Mommy Treated, a very entertaining blog that I recommend you visit. In surprises in the park (without a doubt, the park goes a long way) you will find a fun account of an afternoon in the park and the funny things the children say. Surely you will feel identified.

I have also discovered the blog of María, author of My little koala. In it he tells us how his baby is living the anguish of separation, a stage that inevitably reaches all children and that we must help them overcome it based on patience and many pampering.

Finally, also a recently discovered blog that I loved is Educating four. Elena is touching reality a few days after giving birth to her fourth child. I recommend you take a look around its pages to learn more about your daily adventure as a large family mother.

This has been our tour of the moms and dads blogs This week. Happy to have found new meeting spaces, full of interesting experiences to share and things to learn from.

Video: Who Knows Brent Better?! ME vs EVA (July 2024).