Some "when" for pregnant women (II)

A few days ago we published an entry in which we answered some questions that could be interesting or curious, both for pregnant women and for future parents (and why not, for those who do not expect a baby), related to some pregnancy events.

These questions start with a "when" and therefore they are related to a certain factor that happens at a given time. As pregnancy is time, and it is also a waiting time, these types of questions are usually very present in those women who expect a baby.

After the five questions we discussed in that post, today we continue with some more:

When do they start having hair?

From the first 14 weeks of gestation, the first hairs appear on the eyebrows and on the upper lip. By 20 weeks his body is covered with fine hair, which we all know by the name of lanugo (with which they are born). The lanugo is replaced once the baby has been born with thicker hair that grows from new hair follicles, basically in the head, while the body gradually disappears in the first three months of life.

When will you have eyes and ears?

Toward six rudimentary ears and eyes appear at six weeks, shaped like small bumps. In the ninth week they are more recognizable, since the inner ear has formed and the development of the eyes is already complete. However, these are hidden behind the eyelids, which are sealed and will not separate until the nervous system is fully formed at the end of the second trimester.

When can the sex of the fetus be determined?

In the first trimester it is practically impossible to discern what the baby's sex is, since only one swelling in the genital area can be seen. After 12 weeks, the boys 'penis or girls' clitoris begins to form. From that moment, it can be observed with an ultrasound, although always offering doubts (especially if a penis is not clearly seen), which usually dissipate by week 16, and especially around week 20, when it is usually said exactly what the sex of the fetus is.

Currently, as we have already commented on Babies and more sex can be granted before that time, specifically from the 8th week of gestation, by a blood test to the pregnant woman.

When does the neck begin to develop?

In the first trimester of gestation the fetus has no neck. Is from week 12 when the head (which is approximately one third of the total body length) begins to rest on a still rudimentary neck.

When can the heartbeat be heard?

In the previous post we commented that by the sixth week of pregnancy it is possible to see the beating heart on an ultrasound, however it is towards the tenth week when you can begin to hear the heartbeat with a sonic probe, which works using ultrasound Doppler waves (harmless to the baby).

At this stage the beats are very fast, about 160 beats per minute, and little by little, as the fetus develops, the rhythm slows down.

When will it weigh half a kilo?

One of the data that future parents value most is the weight and how big their future baby is. The half kilo is something like a milestone, since it already seems a more or less round and valuable figure. The fetus will weigh 500 grams sometime between week 20, which weighs about 320 grams and week 24, when it will weigh 640 grams. Let's say, to be more specific, that It will weigh half a kilo, surely, in week 22.

In a few days we will offer you a third entry with some more "when".

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