Thinking of setting up a lost property office

When our children are babies they are tremendously dependent, so much so that on many occasions we are surprised wishing that they grow a little so that they crawl and walk and begin to take some autonomy.

It is all a matter of time and those moments come, however, along with that autonomy, there are anxieties to explore the unexplored and begin to touch everything that is at your fingertips, opening, closing, putting in, taking out and moving from site ...

It is easy to find them by emptying your bag or taking inventory of the kitchen pots, it is also easy to see them walking with something in their hands that you would not like to lose and it is also common to realize, when you need it most, that that something is not where you expected

It is for this reason that I am thinking, very seriously, of setting up an office of lost objects in my house, in case it works.

Car keys

I do not know your children (I suppose that too), but my children and especially Aran, have always been crazy car keys. That squeeze a little button and see how a metal piece opens shot must be amazing for them, so I find it often with them in my hand (I have them in the bag that is usually within reach - and if it is not it is reached by him) and there are several times when I wanted to leave and when I put my hand in my bag I realized that they are not there.

That's when I see myself looking around the house, going to his favorite places (he has a couple of usual places where he tends to leave the things he gets, something like his "anthill") and finally asking him if I don't see them: "Aran, where are the car keys? Where have you left them?"

Then he gets nervous on plan "I understood you, dad, I know where they are, follow me!" and it takes me there where there are some keys, whatever they are ...

Finally they end up appearing, but on more than one occasion I have ended up leaving the house with the spare key and the nerves in the body for the "where the hell will they be".

Cell phone

The mobile phone is another big missing. Usually there is not much problem because, when it does not appear, you call with the landline and everything is solved. The problem comes when, for whatever reason, it has given you to silence it and reaches its hands before you remedy it.

Again you see yourself around the house looking for the mobile phone this time, looking under the sofa, between the cushions, you enter your toys ... tell my wife, who was about two weeks without a phone and, when already We were going to buy another one, it appeared by magic in the routine search for another lost item.

USB key

Children love to connect and disconnect cables (following what has already been said that they like so much as opening, closing, inserting, taking out ...) and one of the most successful connections is USB. The computers have several and are always quite available, so disconnecting and connecting is a wonder that few value.

You can connect, disconnect, take the disconnected to another port, connect it to another computer, save it for a while and connect it after a few minutes or even a few hours and I, who I usually carry commonly used files on my USB key and that I don't always remember to extract it when I have just done something, I suffer from this childhood hobby when, at the moment of going to do something I observe resigned that it has disappeared.

Then I have to look around the laptop in case it has been connected to another port and then observe the other ports on the other computers (it can be connected to the laptop used by my wife or to the computer we have as a player media). If not, the next place to look for it is the central pocket of your jersey (it has two star jerseys, with a central pocket that can be accessed on both sides, where you can find keys, the USB, chocolate pieces, a small toy or some part of a small toy, cocoa lips with obvious signs of having lived better stages, photos of the card that has been taken from the wallet that could also be unaccounted for and a long etcetera) and the following would be to go to the aforementioned "anthill" .

Other objects

I have put the examples that in my case are more common, the car keys (sometimes also the house keys), the mobile phone and the USB key. However, many objects disappear at one time or another because your child has been with them for a while. So by boat I soon remember the remote control of the television, the camera of my wife, the battery of another camera, the wallet, the sunglasses, which are usually found with hundreds of fingerprints (since you steal disguises at least, right?) and surely more things that I don't remember right now.

The lost property office

Well, what was said, I'm thinking of setting up a small lost property office in my own house, just in case Aran understands how it works and begins to take everything he loses there.

I do not know if I will be very successful because, knowing him, he is able to disassemble and devalue it and force me to set up a new lost objects office to try to find the previous lost objects office.