Pyramid about physical activity

We are used to the nutritional pyramid, with recommendations regarding food, but there is also a pyramid about physical activity with the fundamental data about the most recommended activities and those that should be practiced occasionally.

This is the NAOS Pyramid, a didactic material prepared by the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition within the framework of the Strategy for Nutrition, Physical Activity and Prevention of Obesity (NAOS).

In it, graphically and through simple advice, guidelines are given on the frequency of consumption of different types of food and the practice of physical activity, combining them in the same graphic. We focus now on the information contained in this pyramid referred to the performance of physical exercise.

  • Physical activity to perform daily. Some moderate physical activity such as walking, going to work or school on foot, taking the dog for a walk or climbing the stairs on foot instead of using the escalators or the elevator should be performed every day for at least 30 minutes.

  • Physical activity to perform several times a week. It is advisable to practice a sport or physical exercise several times a week, such as gymnastics, swimming, tennis, athletics or team sports ...

  • Occasional activities: sedentary activities such as watching television, playing video games or using the computer should be carried out occasionally, as they can have negative effects on children's health.

  • In addition, the pyramid reminds us at its base that it is very necessary and healthy drinking water as a complement to the activities.

The benefits of children's physical activity are multiple, from a better daily rest to a lower risk of obesity and cardiovascular problems, so that following these exercise tips is essential.

Definitely, the pyramid about physical activity It aims to spread the acquisition of healthy habits by promoting the regular practice of physical activity among the population, especially in children.