Dads and moms blogs (XXXVIII)

Every Tuesday, one of the things we like to do most is take a walk around the moms and dads blogs that we found on the net to see what has been published this week.

For the first time and by chance I ran into the blog Building a family, in which its author, Suu, mother of a one-year-old child and pregnant with her second child, shares a last post entitled Reconciliation ?. Through the interrogation we can already sense his anger at the obstacles that prevent him from reconciling work and family life.

In Enjoying together I found a very nice entry. Remembering the song by Juan Luis Guerra, in Oxytocin, a nursing mother tells us about this hormone, also called the love hormone, and the pleasant sensations she experiences every time she nurses her baby.

A blog that I enjoy a lot and I haven't visited for a long time is A Spanish mom in Germany, who is in the final stretch of the pregnancy of his third child. At good times it is a compilation of classic recommendations, which although classic are sometimes very silly, which are usually given to mothers about to give birth.

What is totally recommended are the advice given Mom of Two Flip Flops (or girls) in Mio, mio, mio, how do children learn to share? on how to teach our children to share with love and educate by example. How to inculcate them since childhood a habit so important for your life.

I've walked around also for Raising Multiple where I have found information that can be very useful to women who will be or have just been mothers of twins. A series of posts about Breastfeeding Twins has been published over the past week. The first hours, the first days (1), (2), (3) and (4).

Finally, in I arrive at the end of the month They give us good savings tips provided by parents of babies. Some that I will begin to put into practice such as buying a large canister of physiological serum and recharging the mini-dose tubes that come out cheaper and spread more.

Video: 10-Minute Beginner Yoga Routine for Busy Moms. Babble (July 2024).