Every child is different (II)

Returning to the theme of this series about children's temperament, it is essential to be aware that differences in temperament can already be detected in babies. And is that, every child is different. And we must understand and assume it, so as not to compare or underestimate the temperament and actions of each child.

Some children are very sensitive to changes and disagree with them, complaining, influential to any noise, easily get scared or angry. Your sleep and eating patterns are not predictable or regular.

Then comes the brother, patient, gentle, confident and easily contentable, regulating his demands for food and sleep. And parents wonder if they have changed the deal in any way, but, although we are not the same, we must also accept that the children are all different.

As time goes by, it will remain clear that there are much more intense, energy-charged, vital and physical children until we are exhausted, friendly, open and adaptable. Others will be thoughtful, demanding with their friendships and relationships, enjoy solitude and achieving goals by taking their time to fit them into their experience.

Different, with a hundred nuances that all my attempts would be unable to explain. Every child is different..

The different ways of acting and reacting

Those who take their time and the thrown, the emotional and the rational, the expansive, cheerful, melancholic, shy, self-absorbed, dreamers, artists, concentrated. All different and equally full of wealth.

The qualification that I do I want to make clear that I always use it in terms positive and is purely explanatory about temperaments, in order to express the diversity of characters, never ever as a transmissible element to the child, since qualifying them marks them and frames them in a system, tells them that they are so and cannot change. So, I repeat, adjectives are indicative, never addressable to children.

Parents surely can realize that your children are different in its ability to concentrate, in the will for objectives, in the ease of distraction, in the interest in the new. Some are more energetic and others more rested. And all this does not involve serious problems, but different temperaments.

However, there are learning problems if it is important to know what reasons there may be in the child's behavior. I, and I don't think readers are surprised, I am very critical of the school system and the usual pedagogy in schools.

There are manipulative, active children who need a variety of stimuli and experiential learning to which the more traditional school favors nothing but flourishes in environments prepared for their needs and limits, which allow them to learn more freely.

Requiring a very active three or four-year-old child to spend the morning making chips is an incongruity and, in those cases, I think it is best to adapt to the child's needs and not adapt it to a fixed system.


Many specialists have investigated the mysteries of differences in personality and temperament.

The work of Alexander Thomas and Stella Chess , which affects the way in which parents explain how to interact with their children, both in the intensity, form and motives of their actions.

Likewise, his works cover aspects about the decisive importance of personality and self-motivation to overcome difficulties of the environment but also of the temperament traits that constitute risks to develop behavioral problems.

These authors talk about children with different ways of reacting to the environment and the changes, the “easy ones” in the adaptation, the “difficult ones”, who adapt with greater resistance and can manifest a bad mood in the face of the changes in their life, and the “ slow to cheer up, ”who at first are shy and resilient but patiently react positively.

Sort temperaments

The truth, such general classifications I don't think they do the children any favors and currently, the attention of psychologists is much more global than this general classification.

Despite this, the field of temperament classifications and the different ways in which we react to changes, stimuli and challenges still seem fascinating to me.

We will return to them because they can also have a lot of influence on family relationships and the way we communicate with our children. Every child is different. and accepting the difference will enrich the life of the family.

Video: How To Make YOUR Child Smart-Genius Kids2-7 Year Olds Proof-Phonics Reading To Raise A Smarter Kid (July 2024).