Weddings without children

I have been stunned when they have already told me several moms who have invited them to a wedding without children, that is, the one who cannot take the children. The invitations they have received clarify that only the two guests, both adults, can attend or specify that the celebration is not suitable for children.

The truth is that on the one hand, if after the ceremony a party designed for adults only The fact that a child goes can expose him to inappropriate situations, but the truth is that I do not conceive of a marriage party with this type of show. Likewise, if you plan to play music or drink a lot of alcohol the party would not be advisable for children, but it is the parents themselves who usually retire at a safe time with their children.

I would not want to go anywhere celebration in which my son was not allowed the Entrance, that is, I do not want to be invited to something that my son is not welcome, although I understand perfectly that there are places that should not be accessed with children and I would not think of doing so. But I wouldn't go to that wedding.

There are parties and parties. I know that the bride and groom are what they have the right to choose the type of party with which they want to celebrate their wedding and to whom they want to invite, but in the case of a wedding I would feel very uncomfortable if they wanted me present and did not want me son. Maybe it's something cultural and I can't imagine a marriage celebration as an adult party. I can't conceive going to a wedding to which children are not invited.

Video: Should Weddings Be Kid-Free? (July 2024).