Sore nipples? Seven tips for painless breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is not always a path of roses. Complications can arise that make you feel frustrated and confused, and even make you consider giving up breastfeeding.

One of the most frequent is feeling nipple pain when feeding the baby, a pain that the first days should not go from being a nuisance and as the days go by should disappear. Breastfeeding can hurt, but it shouldn't hurt. If it hurts, it means something is wrong. Montse Robles, lactation consultant and head of dissemination of Medela, gives us seven tips for breastfeeding without pain.

A good grip is key

"An optimal grip will fulfill a double objective: to guarantee an adequate milk transfer and, therefore, to achieve a sufficient emptying of the breast to maintain milk production, as well as avoid nipple pain. In addition to sore nipples, an incorrect grip may involve other long-term complications, as a limited milk production and a small increase in the baby's weight, "Montse explains ...

A good grip occurs when the nipple and a large part of the areola are inside the baby's mouth. The baby's chin should touch the chest, the mouth should be wide open and the lips facing out.

On the contrary, if the grip is incorrect, the baby may emit a few clicks, have your lips curved inward or move your head frequently.

When the baby is learning to grab and breastfeed, the mother can hold her breast during the hooking process. The 'C' shaped hand is one of the techniques that are usually used to support the chest: with one hand, four fingers are placed under the chest and the thumb on top of it.

Try different positions

Changing positions in each shot can help reduce pressure on the breasts and improve the baby's grip. The most common position for breastfeeding is the so-called cradle position, although there are many other possibilities that may be more beneficial depending on each case.

Cradle position

The mother's arms hold the baby in the chest. The baby's head is kept close to the elbow and, with its arm, the mother holds the infant by the back and neck. Mother and baby should touch chest to chest.

Crossed crib position

In this position, the opposite arm (to the crib position) is used to support the infant and the mother grabs the back of the head and neck with her hand. Meanwhile, with the other hand you can hold your chest and shape it if necessary. In this position, the mother can easily guide the baby to the chest when she is ready to get hooked.

Rugby ball position

The baby is placed on the side of the mother, with the body and feet under the mother's arm, while she holds the baby's head with her hand. The mother's arm can also rest on a pillow in this position.

This position can be convenient for women who have had a cesarean delivery, since hardly any weight is placed on the mother's chest and abdominal area. It may also be suitable for low birth weight babies or babies with grip problems, since your head will have a complete grip.

Lying position

The mother rests on her side looking at the baby and the baby's mouth is aligned with the nipple. You can use a pillow to support your back and neck. This position can also result suitable for those women who have had a cesarean delivery.

Use your own milk as a cure

Breast milk has antipathogenic and healing properties. Exactly as its components reinforce the baby's immune system, they can also be very useful to help the healing of cracked or sore nipples. For this reason, Montse Robles recommends rub with a few drops of breast milk on the nipples and let them dry.

Let them air dry

A very effective solution to promote the healing of a sore nipple is let it air dry. A very practical advice is to avoid putting on your bra immediately after breastfeeding.

Whenever possible, the mother should try to stay with her breasts for a while or wear a soft cotton shirt without a bra. Something as simple as this can help heal sore nipples.

Extract milk to let the nipple rest

A rest can be an adequate solution to relieve a cracked or sore nipple. “If the mother uses a breast pump, the damaged nipple can rest, while she can continue feeding the baby with breast milk,” explains Montse Robles.

Use teat cups or protectors

There are different products specifically designed to facilitate the healing of cracked or sore nipples. The nipples or protectors fit directly into the mother's nipple and are sealed around the areola, as well the annoying scratches that clothing can produce are avoided.

The nipples are very thin, soft, flexible silicone membranes and without bisphenol A, they have a pleasant touch on the skin and adapt to the shape of each breast. You can use them to breastfeed until the crack heals.

Patches and creams to relieve pain

The hydrogel patches and lanolin creams They can be very useful for relieving an irritated or cracked nipple. Hydrogel patches contribute to the healing process of the nipple while maintaining the flexibility and hydration of the skin while providing a refreshing sensation.

On the other hand, lanolin cream helps restore the level of skin lipids, it is made of 100% natural and hypoallergenic ingredients so it is not necessary to remove it before breastfeeding. In addition, due to its composition, Medela lanolin cream can also be used on the baby's lips, nose and dry skin.

Photos | iStockphoto and Medela
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Video: Parenting Skills : Causes of Sore Nipples When Breastfeeding (July 2024).