Hyper-gifted child syndrome: giving away too many toys detracts from Christmas

Christmas is here, the children have already written their letters to Santa Claus and the Magi with their wishes for this year. In general, the excesses are not good, and neither are they when it comes to giving gifts to the little ones.

Sometimes parents fall into the error of giving their children everything they want, maybe because they couldn't have it as children, but in moderation is the key. To receive Too many toys is not good for children and detracts from Christmas.

Hyper-gifted child syndrome

When children receive an excess of toys we run the risk of falling into what is known as hyper-gifted child syndrome. We want to give them many toys believing that they will make them happier, but in the long run it is not so. On the contrary, the consequences of this excess harm children. Receiving too many toys ends up causing don't value things, nor the effort it takes to get them.

If they receive everything they ask they become less tolerant to frustration because they think they get everything they want, and they become children continuously dissatisfied. And we don't want that for our children, right?

In Babies and more Why you should not give too many toys to a child (and what can you give him instead)

Therefore, when buying gifts this year, remember that often less is more, that receiving a lot of gifts does not benefit children, and that it is much more exciting for them to receive a moderate number of gifts they really want and not give as a gift.

Some experts recommend applying the rule of the four gifts to avoid excessive consumerism, make good sense of the gifts, and thus avoid accumulating toys for which they will soon lose interest.

Hyper-gifted children tend to become children individualists, isolated, consumerist and little interested in using imagination in their games. When they have a lot, they leave less space for imagination and creation when playing.

It's fine and it's even exciting to give children toys, but whenever in a controlled way, since we run the risk that they will eventually become teenagers or consumerist adults and unable to assimilate a no.

In Babies and more, what to give to children for Christmas? Follow the four gift rule

Gifts are not important

It sounds like cliche, but it is the truth, and it is important that from a young age we teach our children that Christmas is not gifts. I think it is our obligation to make our children understand that the gifts and the material is not really important in life. It is also necessary that from an early age they begin to value things that are not bought or obtained with money.

Christmas is a good time to pass it on to our children and rescue the true meaning of these dates, which is celebrate being together and as a family.