Entrance to school will not be modified by influenza A

Throughout the summer it has been speculating on the date of beginning of the schools before the possibility that the influenza A is spread massively among the children.

These days when news about this disease arrive daily is confirming that The planned start dates of the school year will not be modified by influenza A.

There are several communities that have been notifying this intention. In the Basque Country, for example, the Minister of Education said a few days ago that there is no "Nothing on the table to advise any delay in the beginning of the course."

The school is considered a public service that must be at the service of the community except in cases that are considered exceptional or force majeure. The flu A, for now and as we said a few days ago, is proving less dangerous than it seemed.

This does not mean that schools will work in a totally carefree way. There are many centers that are planning special prevention measures, such as posters and information leaflets to ensure that students maximize their hygiene, avoid sharing glasses, plates or cutlery, etc. and they are taking into account the days that a student must spend at home in case the contagion is confirmed (it will have to be up to 24 hours after the symptoms are remitted and not less than seven days).

In Galicia, today the news that schools will also open as planned and that teachers will not be vaccinated, since they have been excluded from risk groups.

The conclusion is therefore clear. Little by little we learn more about the disease and it seems to be more contagious than the seasonal flu every year, but equally or less dangerous.

In Spain it is estimated that in the second half of August there were about 30,000 new cases of influenza A and yet the number of deaths from this disease is relatively low (just over 20).

The disease is also affecting adolescents and young adults more than children and the elderly.

Video: Public Health Response to Severe Influenza (July 2024).