Distance school for children from 3 to 6 years: Epysteme Kinder

Epysteme It is a Spanish Association that provides support and educational material to families who opt for home schooling. Until now they were serving children from the age of six, but for this course, as they announced a year ago, they have developed a new program: Kinder, which is a support system for those parents who wish to offer their children 3 to 6 years a distance school .

Kinder Epysteme is structured with different proposals and educational activities, appropriate to the reference ages, facilitating the organization and design of the material that will be used daily.

The Epysteme Association It is formed by a group of professionals, fathers and mothers, homeschooling experts who give support and solution to those people who for various reasons, regardless of their age, need to obtain academic certifications differently from face-to-face schooling.

They are responsible for coordinating the contact so that the student is enrolled in an approved American school and access the corresponding degree. Their normal programs were, so far, three: standard (with a complete online curriculum), portofolio (for those who opted for a more open formula) and school reinforcement. Now the kindergarten program for children from 3 to 6 years.

It is a monthly organized program in which they offer online resources, printable files, recommendations, specialized articles and continued support from expert tutors in homeschooling. It is intended for families who decide not to attend school at an early age and who have chosen to have a work program to build on.

I personally know the directors of Epysteme and I have always attended their stand at Biocultura and the talks they usually organize periodically. His work and dedication, in addition to his professionalism, have seemed extraordinary. And apart from that, I know some children who study with their programs, and I am amazed at their cultural and human formation, their sociability and their responsibility.

If you are thinking of leaving your children at home and want to make sure you offer them educational material equivalent to what they can receive in a preschool, I encourage you to know this kindergarten program and to visit the page of the Association, where you can even enter some sample lessons. It is a responsible and valid option for families who want and can decide for it.

Official site | Epysteme

Video: Long Distance Parenting Relationship with your kids. Part 1 (July 2024).