Eye OK, to detect visual impairments in children

We know that the development of vision during the first years of life is very important, so it is essential to detect as soon as possible the visual defects of our children. Eye OK is a tool to identify vision impairments in children through different games.

It is a website developed by the Technological Institute of Optics, Color and Image (Aido), dependent on the Valencian Community. Children will be able to test their vision thanks to some games and thereby detect possible problems of myopia, farsightedness or color blindness, among other visual impairments.

In the video game, questionnaires and educational messages are interspersed between the different levels of the screens. The levels of the games are set based on the age that the user enters.

The website has a triple purpose: user entertainment, learning of good practices on visual health and also contains a test for the professional and educator. That is why we have three areas on the web: young people (from 6 years old), parents and educators.

The youth zone is accessible, and we can explore the interesting visual effects or participate in their games. But to enter the parent zone, which includes such interesting sections as games, tests, good practices, forums or resources, you must register previously.

Definitely, Eye OK seems to me an interesting program as it tries to detect visual problems through games, and in a medium as common as the computer. It is a project developed through AIDO with the support of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce through the Avanza Plan.

Video: Recognizing vision problems in children (July 2024).