Moderate exercise three times a week benefits the fetus

It is not a novelty that the practice of physical exercise moderately during pregnancy benefits the development of the baby in gestation, but every time new studies emerge that scientifically endorse its effectiveness.

It is not true that exercise can harm the fetus. Quite the opposite if the practice of exercise is controlled and performed properly. Researchers at the University of Kansas City have proven the benefits of the pregnant woman exercising like walking or cycling 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes.

They have used an instrument called a fetal biomagnetometer to record the physiology of the fetus between weeks 24 and 36 of gestation. They measured the maternal and fetal magnetocardiograms, as well as the baby's breathing, body movements, hiccups and non-nutritive suction to check the effects of the exercise performed by his mother.

They found that babies in the group of women who exercised performed greater respiratory movements, a marker of fetal well-being that reflects the functional development of the respiratory system and the control of the central nervous system. At the same time, they provided cardiovascular benefits to the fetus.

The study, which confirms that exercise is good for the mother and good for the baby, serves as a preliminary step to continue investigating whether it could also improve progression in children born to women at risk of gestational diabetes.

As you can see, exercise during pregnancy provides great benefits in the development of the baby. To perform a healthy exercise for both of you, we suggest you consider some important recommendations.

Video: Exercise During Pregnancy (May 2024).