Formula to calculate the weight of the unborn baby

The estimation of fetal weight is very important because it allows the doctor to evaluate the size of the baby, its growth inside the uterus and if there could be any type of disorder.

Therefore, when an ultrasound is performed during pregnancy, the approximate weight of the baby is estimated based on the measurements of three parameters: the abdominal circumference, the perimeter of the head and the length of the femur.

There is also a formula, called Dexeus Rule It was created by the well-known gynecologist Santiago Dexeus, which is used to estimate the baby's weight during pregnancy.

According the formula to calculate the weight of the unborn baby, the fetus doubles its weight every lunar month from the third to the sixth and from the sixth increases 700 grams per month.

Remember that these types of formulas, like the calendar that Armando brought us to know the measurements and weight of the baby during pregnancy, are estimates. Each baby has its own pace of development and its particular genetic inheritance that determines the weight.

Of course, not all babies are born with 3,100 kg as the table says. Some weigh less and others more, but that weight has been taken on average.

The formula is an estimate and is calculated as follows:

3rd month: 125 g 4th month: 125 x 2 = 250 g 5th month: 250 x 2 = 500 g 6th month: 500 x 2 = 1000 g 7th month: 1000 + 700 = 1700 g 8th month: 1700 + 700 = 2400 g 9th month: 2400 + 700 = 3100 g

Video: How Much Weight Should You Gain in Pregnancy? Kaiser Permanente (July 2024).