Half of the parents beat their children

According to a report on the Build a Europe for and for children program, 50% of Spanish parents resort to physical violence when they lose control of the situation with their children or find no other means of imposing discipline.

The difference with Sweden is very wide, where 5% of parents admit to doing so. On the other hand, I have been surprised by the figures of the Czech Republic and France, where 80% of parents say they resort to corporal punishment with their children. It is possible that there are nuances such as some parents do not consider corporal punishment to slap in the ass, but the percentages are significant anyway.

Physical punishment is not an easy thing to recognize or an easy behavior to eradicate from society. It takes time, but several campaigns are being promoted from various sectors to achieve it. Without going any further, today an announcement entitled "Your hands are to protect" has been presented that aims to fight against cheeks, slap and screams.

Many will say “They have given me some cheeks as a child and they have not traumatized me”, but it is no reason to repeat it with our children. What right do we have to hit them? Children have the same right as an adult (they are not mini-people with mini-rights) and an adult would not be slapped in the ass because we don't like what he does.

Resorting to screaming and cheating is easy, but instead of saying "It doesn't hurt" or "But they don't understand it" We have to understand that the problem is ours if we believe we need to raise our hands so that our children pay attention to us. In fact, when receiving a cheek the child does not understand that he should not do such a thing, but that if he does it, mom or dad hit him.

We do not do our children any favors by giving a "slap in time." Research shows that hitting children makes them aggressive and even relates to gender violence.

Children who have been hit, aggressive adults. It is in us to change it.

Video: Boy Missing 80% of Brain Beats the Odds (July 2024).