The phases of childbirth: delivery

Once the birth of the baby has occurred, the umbilical cord is cut, the uterus is much hollow and undergoes a retraction to adapt to its lower content. This causes the insertion zone of the the placenta, facilitating its detachment and subsequent expulsion, together with the membranes and the remains of the cord. This phase of detachment and expulsion is called "birth."

After the baby leaves, and while the first care is being given and placed on the mother's breast, the uterine contractions return to get the expulsion of the placenta, membranes and the rest of the cord, which ends the delivery.

In this phase of delivery it is not necessary to resort specifically to an external help factor, you just have to keep the body at rest, which will not be difficult after the effort and when we are finally with our baby.

The contractions, which at this stage are not just painful, they will do the rest, and between 5 minutes and 1 hour after birth the baby will place the placenta. This passes to the lower segment of the uterus and to the vagina, which can be removed. Once the placenta is expelled, the doctor will take care of suturing any tear or episiotomy if it has been performed.

If the mother has given birth with epidural anesthesia, she will barely notice the discomfort. Otherwise, you will perceive pain similar to those of the period of dilation, but less intense and lasting.

In this stage mother's feelings They can be very varied, but in general fatigue and pain gives way to happiness for having the baby with us. Hunger, thirst, chills, tremors, impatience, relaxation, anxiety ... each mother will describe these moments in a different way, but probably what they agree on is that all previous suffering is forgotten.

Ideally, the mother should be allowed to establish the first ties with the baby thanks to direct contact and an environment as intimate and relaxed as possible.

After checking that the uterus has contracted well and does not bleed excessively, the hospital staff cleans and disinfects the mother's genital area. Then, they move her to her room, or to an observation room if she has been given any anesthesia.

Video: The 8 Best Labor Positions for the First Phases of Childbirth (July 2024).