Vaccination recommendations for children allergic to eggs

The triple viral vaccine (measles-rubella-mumps) is included in the vaccine schedule in two doses, the first at 15 months and the second at 4 years. It contains, in very small values, traces of egg protein. They are very low values ​​to cause a reaction in a child allergic to eggs, but it is not impossible.

In Spain, the vaccine is obtained through cultures in chicken embryo fibroblasts, so it contains between 0.5 and 1 nanogram per 0.5 ml dose of ovalbumin, traces of egg proteins. However, the frequency of allergic reactions after administration to allergic children is very low and only less than 2 to 10 cases of anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction of the whole body) for every million doses administered.

Because of its low incidence, Egg allergy is not considered a contraindication to apply the triple viral vaccine, that is, it is considered safe, but it is necessary to follow certain recommendations:

1) All children allergic to eggs can be vaccinated at their vaccination center with the usual triple viral vaccine, and must remain in the center 30 minutes after vaccination.

2) The only children who need to be vaccinated in a hospital are those who have had severe cardiorespiratory reactions after egg intake.

3) Only children who have had an anaphylactic reaction with a triple viral dose should not be vaccinated with a second dose. These children should be properly evaluated for other allergies.

Video: Are There Vaccines That Children With Allergies Need to Avoid? (July 2024).