My child touches ...

This is one of the questions of many mothers and fathers about their children. An age arrives, around 2-3 years when they begin to explore their own body and They realize that touching produces pleasure.

Faced with something like that, many parents don't know what to do. They do not know whether to fight him, whether to find a game to be distracted or if they should let him do it.

Children touch each other because it gives them pleasure, because they get bored, out of curiosity, because they need to relax,… It coincides with the age at which they need to learn, explore everything, including their body. They do not do it for vice, it cannot be called masturbation, because it does not have the same connotations, nor should it be seen as a perversion since it is a natural behavior: I explore and find something that gives me some pleasure, therefore I do it. This may amount to any discovery they like. We have all said a phrase similar to this: "Honey, the child has discovered the Open button on the DVD and has thrown himself all afternoon opening and closing." They explore, they like it, they repeat it.

We may think that it is too early for them to start with these things, but the reality is that Both boys and girls experience genital pleasure from birth. The boys already have erections of newborns (and it is believed that even in the womb) and the girls are lubricated the vagina on numerous occasions throughout childhood.

Differences between boys and girls

For many aspects of society there is a tendency to see these acts more normal in boys than in girls.

In children it is seen as something more common for having an image of children who touch each other like that of a "pregolfo". Something like taking away importance because "men are like that, always thinking about sex and always behind women."

However, if a girl does it, it is also thought to be a "pregolfa" and this word, in feminine, does not have the same meaning in society, despite the fact that the action taken by boys and girls, touching, is exactly the same.

Our attitude, both for boys and girls, must be exactly the same. We must consider it as an act of natural exploration and therefore we shouldn't censor it.

Phrases like "if you keep touching you, you will fall", "don't be dirty", "good girls don't do that" and similar only makes boys feel ashamed or guilty for doing something they like and that is natural.

Video: I'm buying EVERYTHING my toddler touches today (July 2024).