21 boy and girl names inspired by the sea, which you will love

Although the summer time, sun and beach has been left behind, the sea is something that never ceases to inspire us, and those who are lucky enough to live near him are sure to share this premise. How many songs, stories or ideas will have emerged looking at the sea!

If you also love the sea and are also waiting for a baby, you may find in it a source of inspiration when choosing your child's name. We offer you some proposals, both for babies and children, which you are sure to love.

Girl's names

  • Nerea: name of Greek origin with a beautiful meaning: "the one who rules in the sea". According to Greek mythology, Nerea was the daughter of the god Nereo, governor of the oceans. Both Nerea and her sisters, nicknamed Nereidas, were nymphs with melodious voices.

  • Sea or Maria del Mar: name that comes from the Latin "mare" and means "sea". In Spain the traditional name composed of María del Mar is very common, whose meaning is "the full of grace that comes from the sea".

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  • Marine: name of Latin origin whose meaning is "the woman who comes from the sea" or "born in the sea".

  • Briseidaor Breeze in its abbreviated version, it is a name of Greek origin that means "gentle wind over the sea". In mythology, Briseida was the woman Achilles falls in love with in the Iliad.

  • Moana: name of Maori origin, very common in some areas of the Pacific Ocean, whose meaning is literally translated as "ocean" or "deep sea". Many of us knew this beautiful name thanks to the Disney movie, "Vaiana".

  • Ariel: Although the meaning of this unisex name of Hebrew origin has nothing to do with the sea ("lion of God"), Ariel was a name that began to put on girls in the 90s, coinciding with the premiere of the mythical Disney movie "The Little Mermaid". That is why, in many occasions this beautiful name used in its female version is associated with the sea.

  • Meredith: name of Welsh origin that means "the guardian of the sea". But there is also another current that believes that this name could be a variant of Margaret, a name of Persian origin that means "marine pearl".

  • Greta: name of Germanic origin whose translation is also "marine pearl".

  • Irvette: The origin of this original female name is unknown, but it is believed that it could derive from an old English voice whose meaning would be "friends of the sea".

  • Itziar: name of Basque origin formed by iz (meaning "sea"), i (meaning "tip"), and ar (meaning "high"), so its literal translation would be "steep height that looks at sea".

  • Malia: it is about the Hawaiian form of the name of Mary, whose meaning is "calm and calm waters".

  • Island: Scottish name very common among the women of this country, whose meaning is "The Queen of the Hebrides" (the Hebrides is an extensive archipelago on the west coast of Scotland).

  • Coral : name of Latin origin that symbolizes the beauty and delicacy of this colorful animal that lives at the bottom of the sea.

  • Maureen: original girl name of Irish origin that means "starfish.

  • Nahir : Although this name of Hebrew origin is not really related to the sea, we have decided to include it in this particular list, because it means "stream".

Child names

  • Dylan: Anglo-Saxon name meaning "son of the sea".
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  • Azariel: name of Hebrew origin whose powerful meaning is "he who dominates the waters".

  • Kai: name of Hawaiian origin, very popular in China, which means "sea" or "ocean".

  • Marline: name of Welsh origin whose meaning is "sea fortress".

  • Dolphin: name of Latin origin that symbolizes the beauty and intelligence of this beautiful marine mammal. We also have the female version of "Delfina".

  • Nil: This name of Catalan origin refers to the Nile, the great river located in North Africa. Although it is not a name properly related to the sea, we have decided to include it in our list.

More girl and boy names for your baby

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Video: SURFER Baby NAMES (May 2024).