Eczema related to asthma

As we know, cases of children with allergic disorders are increasing in industrialized countries, making asthma the most common disease in childhood.

Eczema is an inflammatory skin disease also called atopic dermatitis whose origin, like asthma, is allergic.

Various studies have linked childhood eczema with asthma, especially in men. The last one on the subject carried out by Australian researchers determines that Children with eczema are twice as likely to have asthma at middle age.

What is not entirely clear is whether eczema directly influences the subsequent onset of asthma, but it does establish a cause-effect relationship, defined by scientists as “atopic gait,” a sequential development of eczema, followed by nasal allergies that Then drift in asthma.

Eczema appears due to the inability of the skin's barrier to filter allergen agents. Therefore, doctors question whether restoring the skin's barrier function could be a way to prevent asthma.

But remember that the best natural protection against allergies in children is breastfeeding.

Video: Mayo Clinic Minute: Protecting babies from eczema risk (July 2024).