Brazilian baby born from a pregnancy outside the womb

Ectopic pregnancies are those that develop outside the uterus. In some cases they are very difficult to detect and most of the time they end up in spontaneous or induced abortion because it is almost impossible for the fetus to prosper and because it poses a serious risk to the mother's health, and can even cause death.

But there is always an exception to the rule such as Valdir Gabriel, a Brazilian boy who was born from a pregnancy lodged in a region near the stomach.

The fertilized egg never took root in the womb of the mother, instead it did so in a space between the uterus and the stomach with the decisive help of a layer of fat called the omentum that wrapped the placenta and fulfilled the function of the uterus to protect to the baby.

The funny thing, in addition, is that this was not detected until 5 months of pregnancy and although it was recommended to the mother, who already has more than 40 years of age, to abort because it is a huge risk to her health, she decided go ahead and now hold your second child in your arms.

According to doctors, these cases are very rare, occur in a proportion of one for every 40 thousand pregnancies with a chance of baby survival of only 5 percent.

Video: Miracle baby born while still inside amniotic sac (July 2024).