Tell us your story: the arrival of Miranda after 8 years

As you can see, every day we publish some of the stories they send us to be published. Today, through the following story that has come to us from Mexico, we want to honor all couples who, despite going through many difficulties, have fulfilled their desire to become parents.

We remember both parents and moms who want to tell us their experiences that can send us their story to [email protected]. Unfortunately we cannot publish them all, but we select some to share with other readers.

I leave you with today's story.

"I want to tell you my story. Fernando and I took 8 long years waiting for a baby. From the beginning we wanted to have children but nothing, I had one thousand exams, treatments, four operations and nothing ...

When we were tired we decided to leave treatments and forget about the matter, exactly a few days after turning 7 years of marriage I became pregnant. Yes, out of nowhere. I felt the happiest woman on the planet, I felt in the clouds, I couldn't believe it.

I had a very painful pregnancy since Mirandita, my baby, was embedded in my right-sided hip and I couldn't even walk, but I counted the days to have her in my arms and know the face of who had made me feel so happy.

I spent a week with dilatation of 3 centimeters and nothing I wanted to be born. I was admitted to the hospital on November 11 at night and was born a few hours later.

The miracle of Miranda's arrival in our lives is so great that she was born on December 12, the day of the Virgin of Guadalupe in our country.

Seeing his face for the first time I felt even happier than it was and from that day I can know and feel what true happiness is. I never thought that someone could feel so much love and happiness at the same time. Today my baby is already five months old and is a healthy, beautiful and friendly baby. Fernando and I are as happy as we ever imagine being. "

Video: MIRANDA. Horror Trailer Miranda Sings (June 2024).