A new study confirms that breastfeeding prevents obesity

At this point it seems unquestionable that, among the many benefits it entails Breastfeeding, obesity prevention It is one of them. We have seen it on our pages on different occasions.

But in a world where occasionally contradictory data ensues, news is always welcome confirming that breast milk offers the benefit of regulating the child's weight.

A new study confirms it, this time within the framework of the Earnest project in which 38 multidisciplinary groups from all over Europe collaborate investigating the effects of infant feeding on the appearance of diseases in adulthood.

The results of the first intervention test in infant feeding and obesity, carried out within the EU Childhood Obesity Program (in 5 European countries, including Spain) have also shown that the use of a lower protein content in formula milks produces growth rates closer to those of babies fed with breast milk.

He also insists on importance of breastfeeding promotion and support together with the development of an appropriate composition of formula formulas and the promotion of the appropriate choice of complementary foods. Anyway, as we see, there is no lack of reasons to breastfeed.

The study, coordinated by Professor Berthold Koletzko, president of the Early Nutrition Academy (ENA), and carried out within the EU Childhood Obesity Program, was presented yesterday at the University of Granada.

Video: Breastfeeding Better For Babies' Weight Gain, Says Study (July 2024).