[Christmas Special] Advertising bombing, target children

Christmas is a time of the year that besides being significant, is lucrative but only for a few. The race has begun to capture the attention of consumers, all kinds of toys and products are advertised, as the days progress and the closer Christmas dates are found, the advertising frenzy increases.

One of the main objectives of advertising campaigns is to capture the attention of children who see before their eyes endless temptations, since most children's products are not as advertised during the rest of the year. Children receive a fierce advertising bombardmentIt is so repetitive that they even hum most of the songs that appear on television or even know by heart what each character in the ad says. This type of repetitive advertising should be regulated, especially that which is aimed at children. So much reiteration affects their desires, their tastes and of course, in ourselves, since we end up giving in to the wishes of our children, it would be a good time to take a look at the post, children decisively influence the purchases made by parents .

It is not good that we allow our children to influence us in Christmas shopping, nor should we accept all their wishes, it is the ideal time to show them what consumerism is. Most of his wishes these days are the result of advertising that sells illusions and fantasies that in many cases are far from reality.

Surely more than one father has found that his son has been continually asking for a gift from Santa Claus or the Magi, and when he has had it in his hands he has happened to occupy a hole in the storage room.

The toy is not the expected illusion, the child ends up being disappointed and parks it, the parents have increased family expenses and we have to make room to store another object. Anyway, without disappointing children, let's try to make them see reason seeing those peculiarities that they do not see, boring toys, uneducated ... do not buy to buy.