Bebetecas: a whole world to discover

In babies and more, we have repeatedly reviewed the importance of reading for the integral development of children.

Stories for children enclose a magical world that stimulates creativity, attention span and approach to art.

The introduction of the habit of reading should be done very early, that is, since they are babies. Although they don't know how to read, the daily reading aloud by the parents and the observation of the illustrations of the stories provides them with the stimulation of the senses and the emotional bonding with the parents.

A good resource are the Bebetecas, a library reserved for children from 0 to 3 years old, where the furniture and the provision of books are aimed at small "readers." In it, babies can browse, play, play with books in the company of their parents. The baby will not read from a baby, but he will know and approach the books from a very young age.

There are many Spanish cities that have Bebetecs, here in Santiago de Compostela several Sociocultural Centers have one and in Madrid 23 of 24 public libraries have Bebeteca. It is only a matter of being informed in the city where you live and take advantage of this magical space with your baby.

Video: Programa Bebetecas de la Casa de la Literatura Peruana (July 2024).