A mother punished her 15-year-old daughter by removing her cell phone and ended up being arrested for robbery: crazy stories

One of the great challenges that parents face today is the management of the use of new technologies by our children. Taking into account that at the age of 12 three of four children have mobile phones and at 14 nine of ten, and that they spend hours in front of the screens, their use often becomes a cause of conflict.

But a really crazy story is what we come to tell you. That of Jodie May, a mother from Grandville, Michigan (United States), who He punished his 15-year-old daughter by taking away his mobile, something that millions of parents around the world possibly do, but with a consequence that was certainly not expected: ended up arrested for robbery.

Reported by her ex-husband

The mother decided to take her teenage daughter's mobile as a disciplinary measure and to avoid getting into trouble at the institute, Jodie explains. But surprisingly, days later, while nursing her baby, the police knocked on her door to take her away. She remained detained for a few hours until she was released on a bail of $ 200.

Apparently, the "robbery" was denounced by May's ex-husband, who claimed to have given his daughter's phone as a Christmas gift and to be the owner of the device. Jodie faced a minor charge of theft, punishable by up to 93 days in jail.

A mom arrested after taking her teen's cell away as punishment.
Jodie May's ex-husband claimed I've owned the phone & filed charges against her. Turns out the daughter did in fact own the phone so prosecutors dropped the charges. Mom would have faced up to 93 days in jail! # Fox35 pic.twitter.com/gqdAMlQzRg

- Danielle Knox (@ Fox35Danielle) September 20, 2018
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How does the story end? With a happy ending, fortunately, but an absurd case that should not have reached that point. The woman was taken to testify before the judge, explained what happened and they could prove that May was the owner of the mobile, and not the father.

In addition, when the prosecutor realized that the defendant was the mother of the girl "the case changes significantly" and asked "that charges be dismissed".

"I take your phone away"

Mobile phones have become a punishment tool for our children. We know what affects them most and we quickly turn to "I take your phone away". We do it all, but It is not an effective punishment, since it does not educate them in its use, we simply restrict it for a while. It will vary in each case, but at most two or three days will pass and we will give it again. And what we have taken it for, call it excessive time or misuse, will remain.

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To anticipate this, what we should do is think about it very well before giving them their first mobile, making sure they are mature enough to manage it, guide them in the good use of social networks from the zero minute, use parental control if we consider it , put patterns of use, such as nothing mobile on the table or when going to bed, and very important: educate by example. If we are stuck to the screen all day, they will too.

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