Child labor increases in China due to the education system

The Chinese Government has tried in recent months to wash the image of the precarious situation that the children's community in the country is going through, international denunciations should exert the necessary pressure for it, even the imminent celebration of the Olympic games could contribute to reducing the high number of children who are under the yoke of child exploitation. Nothing is further from reality, as reported by some Chinese NGOs, instead of reducing child labor, it is increasing considerably.

One of the main factors that enhance child labor is undoubtedly poverty, at least we might think so, but NGOs indicate that in reality the most relevant problem is the current Chinese education system.

Apparently, this system barely has an educational economic budget, being less than half the minimum recommended by the United Nations. Faced with this lack of resources, parents are forced to cover virtually all the expenses that are generated in the schools. If the family has resources, the child will be able to complete his studies, but a family with very limited resources finally chooses to eliminate the education of the children by changing it to a job that allows the family economy to improve slightly. According to the China Labor Bulletin NGO, other factors are combined in the Chinese education system so that parents desist from providing studies for their children, it is necessary for a child to maintain a high academic level to continue studying, whether in primary or secondary Otherwise, it is like “if they were not allowed to continue studying” since the educational centers are obsessed with presenting good results showing a large number of passes resulting from their teachings.

In Spain this is not the case, a child can suspend the course and move on to the next one, can fail in some subjects and continue, the subsidies (although they are not adequate) are significantly higher and the Government allocates much more money to education.

Returning to the subject, although in China children under 16 are totally forbidden to work, it does not prevent even young children from working, economic interest is more significant than educational interest. China advances to trompicones and has no cure for its children, we remember now the post, 34% of Chinese children have an excessively high level of lead in blood, it is a clear example of impassibility of this Government, we could mention many others examples that show that Chinese childhood is not treated properly at all levels.

Chinese children have captured the attention of the world for some years, although it was significant the issuance of the report of the orphanages of that country where a harsh reality was shown, complaints about the poor treatment of children follow and reduce these problems will be difficult if the international community does not exert more forceful pressure measures.

Video: Three figures highlight major achievements in China's education sector (July 2024).