Sex during pregnancy is also pleasant for the baby

I imagine that at this point nobody considers taboo to have sex during pregnancy.

Quite the contrary, from Babies and more we have recommended them to relieve the pain of contractions and especially during the final phase of pregnancy to have an easier delivery.

Along the same lines, Brazilian gynecologist and obstetrician José Bento, apart from confirming that sex is positive for the mother's preparation for childbirth, also ensures that does the baby well and that pregnant women who have sexual activity have safer, calmer and happier babies.

Far from harming him, sexual intercourse causes the mother's pelvic region to receive more blood, causing the baby to experience a pleasant sensation.

And it goes further, "after the mother has an orgasm, there is an immense release of endorphins, which reach the fetus through the umbilical cord, giving it a feeling of pleasure," adds the specialist.

With these explanations, if someone still believes that sex during pregnancy is not beneficial, it is because they are looking for an excuse. If you don't feel like it, nothing happens, but the baby is no excuse, because he feels positive effects during the act, even if he has no perception of what is happening.

In the only case in which it is contraindicated to make love during pregnancy is if there is a problem such as placenta previa, bleeding, risk of abortion or if the gynecologist advises against it for some other reason.

Video: Chiropractic Neck Adjustment, Pregnancy & Child Birth; Safe Manipulation Technique (July 2024).