The baby who touched House from the womb

Yesterday we could see in Spain the impressive chapter “Fetal position” of the House series, a television milestone which VelSid was talking about a month ago.

Many will have believed that it was an exaggeration of the script, but no. The fact that the minimum hand of the 21-week-old baby left the womb to take the hand of the surgeon who was operating it is neither exorbitant nor theatrical.

The chapter was based on a true story, the story of Samuel Armas, an unborn baby who was operated inside the womb to correct a defect in his spina bifida.

In the episode a woman is diagnosed who suffers from a rare syndrome called "maternal mirror", whereby a baby problem affects the health of the pregnant mother.

History brings the eternal conflict of abortion back to the table, if an unborn baby should be treated as a patient and if the mother's life should be prioritized over that of the baby.

It is possible to say that the insensitive Dr. House was in favor of causing the abortion to save the life of the mother, in fact at no time calls the child "baby", but "fetus".

But then he receives “the magic touch” of the baby on his hand that leaves the skeptical doctor thinking, and of course also the audience, that a 5-month-old baby is also a person, feels and suffers.

After last night's chapter on the defense of life, House has climbed to the top of my favorite series.

Video: How a Baby Ripped From The Womb Is Bonding With The Mother She Lost (July 2024).