Mother's Day, a very important celebration

What does Mother's Day represent? How did this commemoration appear? These are some of the questions that mothers can ask when they celebrate this very marked day. It all started in ancient Greece, when the Greeks paid tribute to Rhea, for them a goddess and mother of other gods.

With the passage of time, Christians transformed this festival into a tribute that honored the Virgin Mary. Time has passed and the celebration of Mother's Day It has varied according to the customs of each country. For example, in several countries the second Sunday of May is celebrated, in others like Panama, it is celebrated on December 8.

Each country also has different origins on how the celebration began, as is the case in the United States, where it originated from the suggestion made by Julia Ward Howe, responsible for the Battle Anthem of the Republic in 1872. Julia requested to commemorate this date and honor to peace The important thing is that despite having different origins, all commemorations lead to the same purpose, honoring mothers. A mother represents the beginning of life, protection, hope and joy, being a mother is something so valuable, so important, so beautiful and so necessary that it should be a party extolled to the maximum exponent, giving it the importance it deserves.

He Mother's Day It is a celebration that is lived with more intensity when one is aware of what it represents, what a mother offers is priceless. In Babies and more we have provided some small ideas to commemorate this happy day, it is not about great details, what counts is the symbolism and love that is processed.

Happy Mother's Day to all moms.