Blindness in Social Security inspection with a future mom

We read with astonishment a news that highlights how in some occasions the Spanish Social Security performs really regrettable actions. This is the case of a nursing assistant who works at the Miguel Servet hospital (Zaragoza), this woman is 10 weeks pregnant and 41 years old. In its history it presents a miscarriage of abortion and the gynecologist who follows it recommends an absolute rest so as not to put the health of the future baby at riskLogically, the nurse has to request the discharge.

Well, after evaluating the data you have under your belt, the inspection of Social Security has been denied the nurse goes down and they have determined that she must continue working. The story is as follows, months before the nurse was on leave but before the possibility of obtaining a fixed position in the hospital, she had to take the discharge, since the law requires the applicant to be active. Once the place was obtained, he returned to take the leave given his situation, this was the trigger for suspicion of it, which can be seen as very logical, but given the evidence of the problems present for being pregnant, these suspicions should to have disappeared and the discharge would have to be accepted due to the need for rest.

Thanks to the action of the CCOO union and to all the health tests and recommendations made by the gynecologist, the discharge has been annulled and can again remain low for the future baby. People are wrong, that is obvious, but it seems that some Spanish Social Security officials are blind, it will be a matter of assessing whether they are qualified for the role they play.

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