Hematemesis, when the baby has blood in the vomit

The hematemesis It is a medical term that indicates the presence of blood in vomit, in babies and especially when they are healthy, this is a circumstance that is not serious and whose cause may even be the mother.

If the mother has cracks in the nipples or a bleeding wound, when she is breastfed she can ingest blood mixed with the milk. If by chance the child vomits or regurgitates, the color of the vomit is brown, a consequence of the mixture of the juices, the food and the blood itself.

Another possibility is that the child has had a small nosebleed and the blood has flowed to his throat, then in the vomit mucus will appear mixed with the blood in a red tone. Another possibility for the child to suffer from hematemesis is gastroenteritis, excessive vomiting or gastroexophageal reflux could cause a rupture of the tiny blood vessels that are located in the esophagus and pharynx and consequently, their vomiting would present fine threads of blood.

It all depends on how the child is and the illness he is going through, but anyway, in the presence of blood in the vomit, it is best to consult the pediatrician to get out of doubt and ensure the child's well-being.

Video: Upper Gastrointestinal Bleed - Hematemesis (May 2024).