Ah ... but then you can give birth without pain?

I want to share an anecdote Very curious that happened to me a couple of days ago.

Shopping at the supermarket checkout, the cashier looks at my two girls, plays them and congratulates me for having two beautiful daughters. I noticed in her a very maternal expression.

We started a small talk and he confesses that his biggest dream would be to have a baby.

I ask, apologizing for the curiosity, if I had any problem having them.

And he replies that he is very afraid of suffering pain in childbirth.

Showing my modest knowledge about childbirth, while the tail grew behind me, I briefly named him the different techniques that exist to control pain during childbirth.

From epidural anesthesia (can you ask, you asked me?) To other alternative methods to which you could go to remove the barrier that prevents you from fulfilling the great dreams of your life.

The smile was drawing on his face as I spoke to him and he kept passing products through the scanner.

As if I had given him the best news of his life, he looks at me and says: "Ah ... but then you can give birth without pain?"

Yes, woman cheer up, go to the doctor to inform you that you will thank him for a lifetime, I replied. I pocketed the purchase and left happy to have done a good work.

Reflecting on what happened, I wondered how it is possible that there is so little information for women on the subject of pregnancy, types of childbirth, etc., so that a girl does not know that today it is possible to bring a child into the world without pain.

On the other hand, I thought that maybe she did not conceive a delivery without pain because in her country (she told me she was from Ecuador) she did not get used to using anesthesia or other methods against pain in childbirth.

In short, a story that I wanted to share with you that shows how lack of information and cultural conditions can prevent a woman from realizing the great dream of her life.

Video: The Try Guys Try 14 Hours Of Labor Pain Simulation (July 2024).