How to master anger and aggressiveness

Children between 18 months and 3 years are not mature in terms of social relationships, direct interactions with other children who do not know are variopintas, possibly ignore, smile or push and bite. This does not mean that they are violent, but it shows the lack of resources to relate. Even sometimes, that a child bites is an effusive sign of affection, in other situations he can do it by attracting attention, jealousy, etc.

What should parents do? Our partner Elda already explained to us about why children bite ?, we also talk about children who hit and are aggressive. We can complement it with reading the book How to master anger and aggressiveness, where doctors T. Berry Brazelton and Joshua D. Sparrow show different ways of dealing with the negative actions children can take, such as biting, hitting, kicking, etc. Child behavior experts explain the different ways in which the child can express his anger, aggression or frustration, as well as the causes that can cause this behavior, something that parents need to understand. In their reading they show us techniques to teach the child to understand and master his anger, to learn to channel it without harming others or himself.

You can purchase this book in your usual bookstore or through the network for a price of 13 euros.

Video: How to Control Anger - Sadhguru (July 2024).