The Serrano Ham Tour to teach children a healthy diet

The Jamón Serrano Foundation has been proposed through the initiative Serrano Ham Tour, encourage healthy eating in schools through talks aimed at children to publicize the benefits of this rich food. Yesterday they were in Granada (Spain) providing interesting explanations for the little ones. The reason for these talks is none other than the concern, growing day by day, so that the little ones become aware of how necessary is a healthy diet for their development and for the prevention of different eating disorders.

We all know the serious problems related to food, overweight, obesity, in short, the various eating disorders that can be more easily addressed when teaching from childhood. The Jamón Serrano Tour has already been in different Spanish cities providing small information related to this product in a fun and enjoyable way for them to enjoy and learn at the same time. In addition, so that they do not forget these talks so easily, the foundation provides them with a small gift that will serve to implement the advice provided.

All initiatives carried out to avoid food problems in the future are well received, food education and a greater awareness of the need to educate children are necessary.

Video: How to buy a WHOLE JAMÓN! (May 2024).