Relactance, breastfeed again after weaning

According to experts, after weaning you can breastfeed again, this action is called relactance or relactation. Depending on the age of the baby, the relationship will be more or less difficult, starting from the fourth month the difficulty grows according to the age of the baby.

Sometimes a mother may regret having weaned her baby too soon and has therefore decided to resume breastfeeding again. In this situation, what presents the greatest difficulty is that the baby clings to the chest, since if he does not want to, it will be an arduous task.

In addition there is the added problem of milk production and it is necessary to remove it frequently, perhaps at the beginning it just comes out, but to liven up such production it is best to try it repeatedly at the end of the day. Doing this for several days, milk production will be increasing. To take full advantage of the milk obtained, however small, it can be used in combination with cereal porridge for example.

The specialists indicate that a advisable trick is that the mother gets into the bed with the naked torso next to the baby, since after a while the child tends to go to the chest. Remember to never force it as it will not benefit the hard task of relactance.

Video: Breast to Bottle: Tips to Help The Transition (July 2024).