Vitamin E reduces the risk of asthma in future babies

Last June was published in Babies and more an article that referred to a study conducted in the United Kingdom that indicated that taking vitamin E during pregnancy was a risk to the fetus and the future health of children. Today we read in another study prepared by researchers from the University of Aberde of the same country, that women who take enough of vitamin E during pregnancy, reduce the risk that in the future the baby may be asthmatic.

It is also indicated that this vitamin helps develop both the lungs and the immune system. The truth is that there are many news that at first indicate some conclusions and later others, we have witnessed these types of events. In our opinion, when a study appears, it should be corroborated by the entire scientific community or, in any case, carry out said study in a more exhaustive way so as not to confuse the population. According to experts, the need for a balanced diet that includes several sources of vitamin E such as fish, vegetables or nuts is highlighted. The new study shows that mothers who did not consume the appropriate amount of vitamin E during pregnancy, their children at the age of 2 years were more at risk of wheezing (acute wheezing caused by the passage of air to flow through ducts clogged breathing), and when these children were 5 years old they were more likely to have asthma.

The conclusion is, according to study coordinator Graham Devereux, that moderate vitamin E supplements during pregnancy (15 mg) may be beneficial, although this initial conclusion should be analyzed and studied more deeply. We will be waiting.

Video: Top Home Remedies for Asthma (July 2024).