How to count the movements of the baby in your belly

In addition to how wonderful it is to feel the baby moving within you, the count of fetal movements It is an excellent way to control the well-being of the baby in the last weeks of pregnancy.

The best time of pregnancy to start checking the baby's movements is from the 30th or 32th week approximately.

Always choose the same time of day. It can be for example at night after dinner or when your baby is usually more active.

Maybe when you are doing things you do not realize the movements you make, but if you lie quietly on the left side you can clearly feel how it moves.

Once you are lying slightly on your side, you feel comfortable and relaxed, you can start. Write down the time you start and count ten movements of the baby, which can be from an energetic kick, a gentle movement, a lap or a shudder.

Write down the time when the baby made the tenth movement. Normally they perform the ten movements in a span of two hours, although there are more active babies who can perform them in less than half an hour.

It is also possible that some days he will perform the ten movements in twenty minutes and the next day in two hours, but the important thing is that no more than two hours pass without you noticing movements if the baby is awake.

It is also not an exact count. Each woman knows the movements of her baby and will know if there is something strange.

See a doctor if you have not felt the baby move all day or if it takes longer and longer to perform all ten movements.

Also keep in mind that towards the end of pregnancy the baby has less space to move and his activity may decrease a little during the last weeks.

You can make a weekly chart with the baby's movements and calculate the average time it takes to make the ten movements.

It can help your doctor to control the well-being of the baby, although the centers have more complex methods such as fetal monitoring.

Video: Fetal Kick Counting: Dr. Thomas Moore UC San Diego Health (July 2024).