How to prevent and cure nipple cracks

I can say from my own experience that nipple cracks They are quite coarse and sometimes even remove the desire to breastfeed.

But the pain is bearable, lasts just a few seconds at the beginning of the tetada and can be cured in a few days if we follow some care.

Do you know how to prevent and cure nipple cracks?

Cracks in the nipple are caused by the continuous moisture in the area and because the baby's suction softens the skin of the nipple making it easier to form small fissures, sometimes imperceptible but painful.

To avoid them, ensure that the baby covers the areola with his whole mouth and not just the nipple and adopt a correct position to breastfeed.

There are also very effective lanolin creams to prevent them, although most have harmful products for the baby so you should clean the area well before breastfeeding. Some time ago we published a natural formula to make an ideal homemade marigold cream for these cases.

A good trick to prevent the cracks from becoming infected is to apply a little of the milk itself on the nipple and leave them in the air so that the crack heals faster.

So that they do not hurt so much we can try changing the posture of breastfeeding for a few days or using plastic nipples so that the baby does not have contact with the nipple until the pain disappears.

But unless they get to bleed, the pain is bearable and the benefit of breastfeeding is superior to any discomfort. Even if they bleed, you can stop breastfeeding for a while and then resume.

Video: 18 Nipple Pain (July 2024).