Aromatherapy may decrease postpartum depression

Postpartum depression affects approximately 65% ​​of women to a greater or lesser extent and has been studied since 1960. One of the therapies that has been studied recently in order to appease or prevent this mood disorder is aromatherapy.

A recent study has shown that the combination of aromatherapy and massage using natural fragrances, it is effective to prevent psychological disorders associated with pregnancy and postpartum.

Homeopath Edward Bach discovered the benefits of natural aromatic essences that plants provide in treatments of emotional, mental and emotional disorders, lately this therapy has experienced a great demand recognizing that it is an alternative medicine that does not replace conventional therapies. According to studies, baths with natural essences reduce fatigue, pain, speed healing of wounds such as episiotomy, incision of the perineum, etc. In addition, massages with natural fragrances also bring many benefits to recent moms. These are made by specialists who use a mixture of Neroli (natural oil derived from bitter orange) and lavender. The women who received these massages claim that they experienced an increase in vitality and the symptoms associated with postpartum decreased.

The results are still inconclusive, but it seems that aromatherapy has no side effects and may be a therapy that helps moms after childbirth.

Video: Supporting Anxiety and Depression with Essential Oils (May 2024).