Adoption of Chinese girls too late

We remember now a few years ago a documentary complaint in which the situation of Chinese girls was exposed, how they lived their situation in numerous orphanages, the precariousness with which they lived both sanitary and food and all for a poorly elaborated family planning law.

That report put the hair on end to many people, we saw through him how the girls were abandoned and how the orphanages had virtually no cure of them. Every person with a minimum of feelings cried to see how even these orphanages were able to let a girl die without giving her anything to eat, no doubt she shook us.

There are many girls who are still in a state of helplessness, although it seems that things are changing in Chinese politics regarding this issue. There are some 4,000 Spanish families who are waiting for notification from the Chinese government to be able to pick up the small ones that these families intend to adopt. Although the adoption assistance organizations ask for calm and tranquility to be able to get the adoption that these families crave, we do not understand why such a long delay by the Chinese government and why they do not expedite the procedures of these girls who already They have adoptive family.

According to the Association for the Care of Children, in China, the adoption demand by its citizens has increased, as there is a greater increase in the request for adoptions by Europeans and Chinese, the process has slowed down, in addition to the changes of Chinese politics, there are fewer girl dropouts. Sounds like an excuse for this government, because if the adoption has been completed and accepted, there is no reason for its delay, in the end who pays the duck are the girls. Of course it is unfortunate to see how politics is a great obstacle to the happiness of both families and girls.