The emotional reaction of a mother to see that her deaf daughter listens for the first time

Ayla, one year old, had never heard a sound. He was born with deep deafness and two months ago he had a cochlear implant that was recently activated. The time to do so is especially emotional, since the reaction of children is unexpected before the sound stimulus that reaches their ears for the first time.

A video captured at that time and disseminated by Cook Children's Hospital in Texas, where the operation was performed, shows the reaction of the girl and that of the mother, who cries to see that her daughter hears sounds for the first time.

Her parents and her brothers accompany the little girl in the family at that long awaited moment. Upon receiving the first sounds, she is seen smiling and jumping excitedly in her mother's lap while touching her ear and that is when her mother Anna begins to cry behind her, filled with emotion.

"Seeing how he heard the sounds and enjoyed was really amazing," his mother Anna told the hospital.

"She is already responding positively, sometimes she responds to the sounds, dances with the music, begins to calm down when we sing to her if she is upset. We really could not be more grateful for the new opportunity that our little girl has."

Deafness and implants in children

Deafness affects 32 million children worldwide. Hearing problems are detected at birth with very simple tests, and if deep deafness is detected, bilateral cochlear implants are usually the solution.

They are usually implanted between ten and eighteen months of the baby, stage of language acquisition, and although the hearing is slightly different, because it is not natural, it has been shown that children who are born deaf can obtain great benefits from implants, lead a normal life and integrate perfectly into ordinary schools.

Via | Fox news
In Babies and more | Keys to know if your baby hears well, do you suspect that your child has a hearing problem? Don't let it pass

Video: Watch a deaf baby hear her mother for the first time (July 2024).