10 tips to calm the crying baby

Before despair, let's apply the advice suggested by the American expert Debra Holtzman to calm the baby in the middle of crying. Of course, after ruling out if you have any basic needs such as hunger, dirty diaper or any pain.

According to the author of the book The Safe Baby: A do it yourself Guide to home Safety, parents should know that the baby does not cry to bother or irritate us and we have to remain calm so that they also calm down.

Here, his list of tips:

  1. Take him out for a drive or take a walk in the park in his stroller.
  2. Vacuum your room. The sound of the vacuum will calm you and your room will never be so clean.
  3. If the baby is still small, pass it in a baby carrier.
  4. Put music, take it in your arms and dance together your favorite music.
  5. Take him in his arms and sing him a song.
  6. Rock it in a rocking chair.
  7. Offer him a pacifier. If you are cutting teeth, offer a cold teether.
  8. Wrap the baby in his favorite blanket and pick him up
  9. Lay the baby upside down on your lap and rub his back.
  10. Lay the baby on his back in his crib and leave him in his room. Come back every 10 minutes to make sure it's okay.

Follow with wise advice for parents. It is important to know when it is necessary to take a break.

Before losing our nerves, when we feel frustrated, desperate or stressed, let's look for some relaxing activity that we like to do. We can leave the baby in his crib or ask someone to take care of him while we take a bath or listen to our favorite album.

Video: 5 Ways To Deal With A Crying Baby (July 2024).