The most requested toys this Christmas

The Kings this year have the task of learning a little about technology since the taste for classic toys is changing. Although bicycles and giant puzzles are still preferred, This year, video consoles, mobile phones, an MP3 music player or even a computer head the Kings' cards.

The video games, the popular Lunnies television dolls and the bicycles are the toys preferred by Spanish children, according to a study of Toys 'r' Us from Spain. Teddies are still a children's choice for this Christmas, yes, no they only conform to accompany them to sleep, but rather they prefer interactive, "talkative" stuffed animals.

In Spain, the first place among the toys, according to the specialized consultant NPD Eurotoys, is for the Monza circuit of Scalextric, which is also in the lead among the ten favorite toys of both European girls and boys. In second place is the Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS. Smoby occupies the third and fourth positions with the Futbolín Nº1 and the "Star Party CD".

The Baby Born, Chou Chou, Baby Lucia, Barbie and Jaggets dolls are the favorite of girls, while in the field of constructive toys stands with the first place Geomags, a kind of magnetic meccano.

The choice of a toy varies depending on many variables; economic possibilities, duration and endurance, manageability, versatility, attractiveness, recommended age, quality of instructions and learning potential.

Video: most requested toys for christmas 2014 (July 2024).