I have a craving!!

Many pregnant women suddenly feel like eating something special and precisely at the least expected time. One cause is the metabolic and hormonal changes that the future mother experiences.

Several theories about the cravings Throughout our history, in popular culture, it is said that cravings should be satisfied instantly, otherwise the baby will be born with a spot. But beyond these legends, the food whims of future moms exist.

The so-called "cravings", those spots on the baby are a popular belief without any foundation. On the other hand if it is true that the pregnant woman, because of her mood and the changes that pregnancy entails, may have acute desires of some type of food in particular. With some frequency, the future mother experiences changes in her tastes for food that are related to variations in taste sensitivity, to the point that she may find the taste or smell of some foods she used to eat before pregnancy unpleasant. Within these foods you can find fats, fried foods, coffee, etc. It also happens that products that were not liked by the future mother, become the number one, coming to emerge the desire to eat them even late at night.

It should be borne in mind that accentuated aversions or appetites are not of the least importance, as long as they do not affect good nutrition during pregnancy. The danger of these “cravings” lies in the possibility of eating too much and gaining weight disproportionately, on the contrary, the risk of aversions is that they can lead to an unbalanced nutrition and you know that this transcends the future baby.

Anyone can experience a sudden desire to eat something in particular and this shows that the craving is not exclusive to pregnancy, but it is normal to associate a craving with a pregnancy.

But there are not only food cravings, there are also cravings related to sensations or feelings as these are enlarged because of the emotional burden that the future mother carries, so mood swings are quite frequent in pregnant women.

Cravings are not an invention, if you are pregnant, it is important to have the support of the couple. For parents: pleasing cravings is another way to show love and understanding, your partner will greatly appreciate your touch and devotion to her.

Video: How To Avoid A CRAVING (July 2024).