Know if your child is left or right handed

Although right-handed people predominate, there is no reason to think that left-handed people have any anomalies. Formerly when a child began to show his skills with his left hand, he was immediately corrected and forced to use his right hand, since they considered it a synonym for bad habits.

Why some children are left-handed and other right-handed, is in a different brain configuration. The right hemisphere directs the movements of the left side of our body and the left hemisphere governs those of the right side. This means that in right-handed children, the left hemisphere is the dominant one, and in left-handed children, the right one.

At 2 or 3 years the child has not yet defined his laterality, so he is said to be ambidextrous (he has two-handed ability). It is from 4 years when the preference for one hand or another is established, if at this age, the child continues to be ambidextrous, he may have a motor problem. Usually, at 7-8 years is when you know if our son is left or right handedWhen we choose a hand to write or paint, we can already say that it has its laterality marked.

When the child uses hand, foot and eye on the same side, it is said that its lateralization is pure, but if for example, it is right-handed and left-handed, it is called that it has cross-lateralization.

To know if your child is left-handed or right-handed, just observe it when doing things as simple as with the foot that kicks the ball, with the hand that supports something you have to take with care, such as opening a bottle, with which eye you look for The telescope…

It is very important to respect your natural ability and help you develop it satisfactorily. Forcing a left-handed child to become right-handed can lead to a loss of self-confidence.

Video: Baby Test: Right or Left Hand Preference (July 2024).